Southend YMCA
Southend YMCA is a local charity with 21 years of experience in delivering quality services to young people such as supported housing, recreation and educational provision. As a leading youth charity, Southend YMCA has provided supported accommodation for homeless, vulnerable and young people at risk.
About Southend YMCA
The Southend YMCA building houses 30 residents where young people live for varying lengths of time dependant on their circumstances. Each flat has a metered electricity supply that provides the residents with essential services such as:- heating and lighting, as well as a power supply for modern appliances. Energy Controls first supplied Card Operated electricity meters to Southend YMCA approximately 20 years ago to help with the day-to-day running of the charity. Then, 10 years later, Energy Controls installed an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System using Power Line Carrier (PLC) technology called ‘MainsTalk’.
Key Facts
- Accurate Meter Readings
- Remote Disconnection
- Rapid Remote Tariff Updates
- Prepayment of Energy
GSM Smart Meter Upgrade
In 2017 Energy Controls completed a further upgrade to the electricity metering and as a result Southend YMCA now has the latest prepayment GSM SMART meters installed. The new SMART meters provide a flexible ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ metering solution giving Southend complete control of their energy supplies. John, the Manager at Southend YMCA, said;
“Our old system needed updating, so it made sense to engage Energy Controls again who installed GSM SMART meters. Our previous meters were OK, but these are even better. Now we have the added benefit of being able to look at things such as ‘user trends’, which we weren’t able to look at before. We can also tell if the meters have been tampered with too.”
John, Manager at Southend YMCA
With the new Smart meters installed, Southend YMCA has a more convenient system in place helping residents to manage their energy more efficiently. The web portal also allows the YMCA to operate a token-less pre-payment system offering flexible payment options for their young residents.
“Energy Controls provide a great web-based service, with lots of useful functions that allow you to see how much energy has been consumed on an individual basis. We highly recommend Energy Controls to any business. The whole experience of having our latest metering system installed was excellent and very straightforward.”
John, Manager at Southend YMCA
Accuracy and Reliability
- MID Approved, Accurate SMART Meter
- Energy Monitor Available
- Full Service, from Supply and Installation to Maintenance
- Prepayment with Online Service and FREE App
System Installation
In March 2017, Energy Controls replaced all 30 of the old meters at Southend YMCA with new prepayment SMART meters; this smooth, well planned transition took just 3 days to complete.
“By using the new prepayment Smart meters our young residents have become more aware of how quickly they’re using up their electric and in-turn learning how to budget. This is an important benefit to both the YMCA and our residents and it’s thanks to Energy Controls.”
John, Manager at Southend YMCA